Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fifty days left!

Preparations continue for the big 'round the world trip and we're now T-minus 50 days until departure! This trip has been in the front of my mind for so long, it's just astonishing that in a month and a half Julie and I will be in the saddles of our motorcycles, our primary focus avoiding potholes, watching for deer and bad drivers and making sure we have enough fuel to reach the next gas station.

Between now and then lies a fearsome list of niggly details. My renewed passport will be overdue if it doesn't arrive next week. I'm putting the finishing touches on my condo to get it on the market. Health insurance for the journey needs to be procured. We need to sort out what gear comes with us, where the stuff that stays will go, coordinate with our hosts we'll be visiting along the way, and get invitations out for the bon voyage party. There are questions about money and technology. I need to pack up and move out. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Julie and I have talked about how one of the hardest parts of the journey may be the preparation. I'm sure we'll have some challenging moments along the way, but it's hard not to look forward with great excitement to the days of riding along, reflecting in our helmets, as we visit amazing places, meet up with old friends and make new ones.

As sad as I will be to sad goodbye to friends, family and colleagues, I can't fucking wait!

PS. The map montage is courtesy of my recent play with Google Charts Map API. Google, I ♥ you.