Friday, May 23, 2008

Surgery went well

I am recovering from surgery, which appears to have gone well. I can't feel (nor control) my left arm, thanks to the nerve block they used with surgery. It also means I'm not taking pain meds yet, until feeling starts to return. I'm mostly comfortable, resting and enjoying the fruits of the care package Julie sent, including some über-tasty apple cinnamon bread. I will write more later this weekend.


  1. Eric,

    Just read about your accident. I'm glad to hear you're ok and on your way to full recovery. Get better very soon, and try not to worry about the Rooster.



  2. Hey Serdar!

    Thanks for stopping by, and for the well wishes! I've really enjoyed following your journey through your blog and your amazing photographs. Your travels have helped fire the imagination for an adventure Julie and I plan to begin next year. In the meantime, I guess I'll be living vicariously until bike and rider are ready for the road again...

    All the best,

