Sunday, October 4, 2009

The life panoramic in Wellington

Julie and I have been enjoying Wellington, catching a rugby match on a
gi-normous screen at a lively pub; meeting up with friends of Susan
and Greg's (and fantastic Wellington ambassadors) Rex, Trish and Leah;
experiencing the blustering reasons it's sometimes called Windy
Wellington; and enjoying landmarks of its cinematic impact, including
the Embassy Theatre, where we had fun playing with my new iPhone app,


  1. OK...that's weird...but fun! Everett got an IPhone Thursday. He claims I talked him into it. ACS won't release his number to ATT yet, which is driving him nuts, but hopefully all will be well soon. We'll have to check out Pano :-). And we'll have to figure out how to stream music like you did here. That was wonderful.

  2. This post is such a tease! There's so much more I want to know, hear about, experience with you. Can't wait for more!!!!

    I'm SO greedy!

  3. Good news that Everett has made the leap! Certainly, it must be some improvement to have a screen that works!

    That music streaming service is called Pandora. In addition to the Pandora iPhone application, you can use your computer, too. You'll just need a cable that plugs into the headphone jack of either your computer or the iPhone on one end, and into the red and white AUX plugs (called RCA connectors) of your stereo on the other. Any electronics shop should sell a cable like that. A cheap one (like the one I have with me) should be less than $10, and they go upwards from there (a gold-tipped, shielded cable could cost $30 or more).

    Sadly, I think Pandora is only licensed in the U.S., so we'll be Pandora-less for the next year of so. So enjoy the Mùm station for us!

  4. Hear, hear, Lucas! Thanks for the encouragement. And stay tuned!

  5. Hey Eric...we need your help! We've got Pandora set up now, but we cannot remember title of the music (not even sure how to word this) that you showed us we could type in and it would find similar music. Don't know if you remember or not...but we went to the Mum station and that doesn't seem to be it. This probably doesn't make any sense at all, but maybe you can decipher :-).


  6. Hi Linda!

    I just checked my Pandora saved stations (which thankfully remain accessible, despite the fact that the music isn't, since they block connections that originate outside of the US because of licensing restrictions). On second thought, I think the station we listened to together was based on the music of Smoke City. So, enter Smoke City as the search term in Pandora, and it will probably select tracks akin to the ones we enjoyed together. Happy listening!
