Thursday, September 17, 2009

R2's last ride

In a few moments, we're setting off on our last ride on R2, delivering it to its new owner.

Yes, on the day we're leaving Anchorage, our last motorbike has been sold. T-minus about 14 hours before we say farewell to our new friends and many life-changing experiences here in Alaska.

As relieved as I am to have it sold, and as much as I aspire not to be attached to possessions, this transaction feels like more than simply handing over the keys to a motor vehicle. Like saying goodbye to a trusted companion.

Happy trails, R2. May the force be with you.

1 comment:

  1. Eric and Julie, That has been an amazing bike even with the troubles it had early on. You know, I think people are the most important things but I will admit to remembering more nuances about the bikes I have had than some of my former flames. Now Kim is a whole nother story but I'm just saying,motorcycles are significant.
    The other amazing thing is that in the fall in Alaska or anywhere, it is not necessarily a given that you will sell a used cycle of any kind so again, your plans are carried out.
    Miss you and of course, wish you continued karmic success in your journey.
