Thursday, June 18, 2009


We've said that the trip would begin the moment we made it outside of
the 494/694 loop of the Twin Cities.

It was incredible timing, therefore, that while in a parking lot on
the edge of 494, making our final stop and just about to throw our
legs over the bikes, that we got the call: an offer had been made on
my condo, the most substantial loose end left dangling with our
departure. It was a decent offer, and by coincidence, I'd had a chance
to meet the person making it -- a grad student relocating to
Minneapolis from LA for a program at the U of M. I accepted, my
rockin' real estate guru and brother, Jesse, met us at a restaurant on
our route, we signed the papers and VIOLA! the condo is SOLD! On the
day of our deparure, exactly a month after listing it, no less.

In addition to Jesse's masterful work, I also owe a huge debt to
Julie, my Mom and Dad, my brother Nathan and friends Eric and Christy
for their help getting it (and me) ready to sell. I've been kicking up
my heels with joy nonstop since the news came.

Julie and I left town, and headed out 169 and 60 toward Worthington,
making a quick stop in Kelly's home town of Mountain Lake. The ride
was sunny, warm and that particular version of picturesque unique to
southern Minnesota: green fields, blue skies, dotted with lakes and

When we reached the Iowa border, a wall of pregnant clouds loomed to
the west. We made it to the campground in Alton (just $5 per night for
tents!), set up our portable home, beds and kitchenette, enjoyed a
tasty pasta with clam, some vino and baguette, and just managed to
clean up before the storm arrived. And arrived it did. Twice (well,
two different storm fronts, spaced hours apart). In addition to the
ample rain and stunning light show, these babies packed a lot of WIND.
Thankfully, though jostled mightily, and at times leaving us to
wonder, our gear stood up to the task, and kept us and our possessions

Today, we're making our way to McCook, Nebraska via scenic, rolling
and verdant two-laners, keeping ourselves hydrated in the 90 degree
weather. More to come!


  1. That is such SUPER FANTASTIC news!!! I am so thrilled for you guys and I'll bet you are just relieved as HELL to have that loose end tied up. :) Hooray! And while we were spared the wind and rain, we did enjoy that spectacular lightening show here in the TC and it was something, wasn't it? Love to be getting these posts. You guys are SO MUCH on my mind. Love to you!

  2. p.s. In looking at your schedule, if you are indeed in Vegas on the 4th - 5th you might have a chance at saying hi to The Captain. Call me if you want his cell number.

  3. Wow, now that's synchronicity. Congratulations!

  4. Proof positive that if you go forth with your intentions the universe will make the proper accommodations!
    Great news and fun to follow your trail. As you know, we got the car and all is well. There is plenty of life in that cruiser!
    Be well. Love you two!

